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The Summoners


A summoner is anyone who can perform magic, as they summon the energies of the Plane of Magic, also known as “Enären’s Network,” into the Material Plane.

While it is a term mostly used in Khäria to generally refer to anyone who uses magic, it is also accepted throughout the Ordolite Empire and other worlds.

We could include a clarification to distinguish this general concept of summoner from other, more specific classifications that use the same term to refer to specific orders. However, as of today, I have not created or named any order that carries this name.

So far, I’ve only used “summoner” in the general sense I just explained. Still, I like the idea of leaving open the possibility for other words to be used to refer to summoners. For example, in some places, they could be called “witches,” or in a particular kingdom, summoners might form an order called “The Summoners of [Name].”

English is a bit more flexible with the term. It allows me to use both “Summoner” and “Invoker” to make more specific distinctions. I believe the term that best fits Harbinger of the Ancestors is “summoner.”

Main Summoner Orders

Despite magic being mostly frowned upon and its use generally disapproved, there are orders and brotherhoods scattered throughout Creation that practice magic, both clandestine and officially recognized.

And this is not to mention individuals born with a magical affinity who study magic on their own. These individuals are responsible for most magical incidents, leading to further hatred and fear of summoners.

The world of Khäria is considered the capital of magic, as its use is not only accepted but revered. It is a planet saturated with magical energy.

Another important fact is that there are summoner orders specific to each Rhashänar race, as well as heterogeneous orders that accept members from any species. One example of the latter would be the Corsairs.

It should be clarified that this is merely a matter of each order’s regulations. Nothing prevents the Corsairs from being exclusively Kanaöni, and nothing stops a Taräno from becoming an Ethereant or a sorcerer.

Summoner Registry

I don’t want to leave you without a list of Summoners and their characteristics. As I mentioned before, not even I know all the corners of this Fictional Universe. It’s vast and expansive, and we could spend generations building it.

This list is neither definitive nor final, and it’s not set in stone. More types of summoners will be added.

Arcane EthereantsMilitary Order, limited to 48 Ethereants. Only Naöni or Kanaöni. One Master. Only the Master has apprentices.Mastery of weapons. Mastery of the body. Summoning of a single element. Rune and Arcane magic.Physical Combat. Elemental. Arcane.
Sorcerers of KhäriaScholarly and erudite order. Unlimited. Governed by a council. Sorcerers may have apprentices. Only Naöni and Kanaöni.Summoning of all elements. Shape-shifting. Mastery of the mind. Erudition and study of magic. Virtually limitless abilities.Elemental. Arcane. Dreams. Chaos and Order.
Druids of KhäriaBrotherhood dedicated to nature. Led by a Circle of Druids. Druids may have apprentices. Only Naöni and Kanaöni.All elements. Shape-shifting. Druidic runes. Summoning of spiritual creatures. Connection with nature.Elemental. Nature. Spiritual. Dreams.
Spiritual Ethereants (Corsairs)Military Order, limited to 60 Corsairs. Multiracial. One Master. Corsairs may have apprentices.Mastery of weapons. Mastery of the body. Fusion of spirit with magic. Spiritual magic.Spiritual. Physical Combat.
ShiftersPractically extinct. Legendary. Unlimited but always few in number. No leader, only notable Shifters. Each notable has followers. Multiracial.Mastery of summoning. Fusion of spirit and body with elements. Shape-shifting into elements.Elemental.
Archons of EnärenOnly Nordüri. Unlimited. Led by a High Arconte. All Arcontes may instruct novices.Mastery of weapons. Hand-to-hand combat. Rune magic. Defensive summoning.Physical Combat. Arcane. Elemental.
Brinöri ShamansNo order or structure. Only Ashdüni. Each Shaman trains other Shamans.Deep connection to nature. Selective element summoning. Spiritual magic.Nature. Spiritual. Elemental. Dreams.
Desert EnchantersOnly Dersïmi. Unlimited. No leader. Each enchanter may have apprentices.Object enchantment. Use of constructs. Mastery of air. Mastery of earth and sand.Arcane. Elemental.
Kifäni ClericsOnly Kifäni. No order. Virtually extinct. Religious connection.Divine magic. Elemental summoning.Varies by religion and creed. Divine.
Silver WolvesOnly Taräni. Order only present in certain nations. Taught in academies. Unlimited. Magical gift required for entry.Selective summoning of two elements. Defensive summoning. Shape-shifting into an elemental wolf (depending on chosen elements).Elemental. Arcane.
Ivory SistersOnly Taräni. Only women. Trained in cloisters. Become warrior saints. Each warrior saint has a squire. Religious order.Worship of light. Worship of shadows. Dichotomy of light/shadows. Dichotomy of chaos/order.Divine. Elemental (light and shadows). Chaos and Order.
Crystal SagesOnly from Shöni-Güri. Multiracial. Guild of summoners. Rotating guild leader.Mastery of sand, glass, and crystal.Elemental (sand and fire). Arcane.
ShapersMultiracial. Nomads. Clan leader.Mastery of clay and mud. Creation of mud constructs. Summoning of spirits.Elemental (earth and water). Spiritual.
Echo MagesMultiracial. No headquarters. Mercenaries.Sound magic. Chaos magic. Control of air and wind.Elemental (air). Chaos and Order. Arcane.

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