When I was a kid I liked dinosaurs a lot. So much so that I was given a dictionary from A to Z and I learned it almost by heart.
In the letter D, there was a very peculiar dinosaur: the Dragon. Beyond the scientific accuracy of that page of the book, this beast caught my attention powerfully; it fascinated me to extreme levels.
Let us now add the beautiful book of Myths and Legends that was in my house, with stories of Greek, Norse, Arthurian and medieval mythology.
That’s how I magnetically arrived in the world of fantasy, fascinated.
After encountering many more fantastic universes, creating and recreating stories with my toys, and a lot of drawing creatures and beasts, at the age of 13 I was encouraged for the first time to sit down to write.
I began to bring to paper a whole epic-fantasy imaginary that I baptized many years later as Herald of the Ancestors, a work that is in continuous development.
A few years later, I discovered my fascination for the police genre and the short story, writing at the age of 17 the story that would lay the foundations for my first published book, Sábanas Rojas, today Crímenes Rojos.
My stories and my work gradually led me to the world of board games and video games, as a scriptwriter and eventually as a Game Designer. It turns out that in addition to my passion for writing, I also discovered that I love creating games.
You may have noticed the emphasis I place on the word fascination, both in this story and in the slogan of DGF Studio – Fascinating Worlds.
What happens is that this is what I want to achieve, this is my goal to reach, and this is what I want to achieve in you, in you, in the whole world: I want you to feel fascinated.
There are few emotions as intense as fascination. I invite you, then, to this journey of creativity and to let yourself be fascinated.