We analyze Beyond Good & Evil [Podcast #2]

I find it very amusing that we always have some audio problems… I guess it’s just a matter of practice. While I like to get things right, it’s the first time we’re both doing something like this and we allow ourselves the benefit of making mistakes.

That said, what a BEAUTIFUL game Beyond Good and Evil is. I’ve been itching to play it again for a long time and the podcast came as a perfect excuse.

In this program we feel more relaxed, with much more fluidity and more freedom of analysis. We decided to make it more like a chat between the two of us than a point-by-point analysis, as we did in the previous program.

Little by little we are finding our voice and our style, which fascinates me.

Without further ado, here is the recording of the podcast (with corrected audio, of course) and let me know what you think!

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