The next time you need to write a research paper and want to stand out from the crowd, I suggest analyzing a video game. To save you the trouble of brainstorming, I’ve prepared this list of games that, in my opinion, have much more to say than meets the eye.
I admit I hadn’t planned on writing this kind of article with titles that look like beautiful clickbait… though in this case, it’s clickbait for nerds and geeks. I can’t imagine my aunt browsing the internet and clicking on this title.
The games I’m including on this list are meant to be analyzed from various perspectives (of course, you could analyze all of them through Semiotics, but I promise not to get overly fanatical about it today).
Without further ado, let’s geek out together.
1. Oddworld

Though I haven’t played much of Oddworld, it immediately stands out as a gem full of symbolism, earning a spot on this list.
This game follows the journey of Abe, a charming alien of the Mudokon race. We could debate endlessly whether Abe is adorable or as ugly as a banana forgotten at the back of your fridge, but that’s beside the point.
The interesting part of Oddworld lies in its backstory and the constant struggle Abe faces. In the game, the Mudokons are enslaved by another species, the Glukkons, who exploit them for all kinds of labor—even for more sinister purposes.
Additionally, Oddworld is a franchise with multiple titles, which makes it even more appealing. If I had to analyze this game, I’d choose the first one, Abe’s Odyssey, released back in 1998.
If you’re into Marxist theory (which I’m not particularly a fan of), Oddworld is your game to analyze. You’ll find a wealth of symbolism about the unity of the working class and the end of worker oppression.
Personally, I’d prefer to take a Foucault-inspired approach, examining power dynamics, or even delve into the ideologies of the French Revolution thinkers.
2. Legacy of Kain

Let’s move on to another franchise—a saga instead of a single game. Legacy of Kain consists of five installments, with Soul Reaver 1 and 2 being the most well-known.
Let’s be honest: I haven’t played the first two games in the series, Blood Omen 1 and 2, where Kain is the protagonist. But I assure you, playing from Soul Reaver 1 onward is a fantastic experience.
In these titles, you play as Raziel, a fallen vampire betrayed by his mentor, Kain. I won’t delve into the details to avoid spoilers (though I should).
You see, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance (the final game in the saga) reveal some of the darkest and most intricate details of the plot.
Through these games, I learned about the concept of “Paradox,” and believe me, these titles are founded on enormous temporal paradoxes.
I can’t think of any specific author or theory to apply to analyzing these games, but they have such a well-crafted and elaborate backstory, with time travel that somehow makes sense and works, that I couldn’t leave them off this list.
3. Guild Wars 2

We’re diving into the murky waters of MMOs—a genre some see as the best and others view as the worst.
Regardless, Guild Wars 2 is a beautifully crafted and complete gaming experience. It features a captivating storyline, stunning art, and a surprisingly non-toxic (or at least less toxic) online community compared to other games.
Like any MMO, GW2 can be analyzed through the digital interactions it fosters among its player base. Luckily, there’s plenty of material on this topic, allowing for more comprehensive analyses than in other cases.
What stands out most to me about this title is its “progressive” side, achieved without making a big fuss about it. While many games today seem to force politically correct narratives, in GW2, these themes fit perfectly within the story and world without being overbearing.
We’re talking about a game that consistently includes LGBTQ+ characters and gender equality. It also addresses sensitive topics like cancer and other illnesses typically absent in medieval fantasy universes.
There’s even an entire faction of enemies exclusively composed of men, portrayed as archaic, brutish, and narrow-minded—a clear critique of misogyny that many women face daily.
Not to gush too much about one of my favorite games, but GW2 offers plenty to sink your teeth into.
Bonus: The human queen is always barefoot and, by the way, one of the most powerful wizards in existence. I’ll leave that for you to interpret.
4. Beyond Good and Evil

Another quasi-retro gem from the early 2000s. Released in 2003, this masterpiece sadly isn’t as famous as it should be.
In Beyond Good and Evil, you play as Jade, a young photographer and journalist living on the outskirts of a big city with a group of orphans (at least I think they’re orphans—I don’t quite remember).
Although the plot is somewhat similar to Little Big Adventure (another underrated gem), and it falls into the “chosen one” trope (the chosen woman, in this case), the story is incredibly enjoyable and immersive, creating a strong sense of empathy toward Jade’s situation.
What fascinates me about BG&E—and I emphasize fascinates—is its constant focus on the power of the media and political propaganda.
Seriously, if you want to write the best essay of your life, just compare this game’s plot to any tyranny in human history.
What’s most striking is Jade’s “fight fire with fire” approach. By taking incriminating photos and transporting sensitive information, she manages to fight back against her tyrannical enemies.
And, well, she also uses a bit of cosmic magic and special powers, but that’s beside the point. Or maybe it isn’t—there’s likely a lot of symbolism in that too.
5. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Whether it’s because I played it recently (for the first time since its release…) or because it’s a classic and one of the greatest games ever created, Skyrim undeniably deserves a spot on this list.
In Skyrim—and the Elder Scrolls series in general—you start as a nobody who rises from the ashes to become the hero of an entire nation.
Your character has no backstory, no explanation of where they came from. It’s you against the world—may the gods be with you. Or whatever you choose to worship.
The plot begins with you as a prisoner on the brink of execution, only for a dragon to inexplicably appear and save you. (There are several theories about why the dragon shows up, and they’re all great.)
What I love most about Skyrim, and what I think is worth analyzing, is the freedom it offers players—not just in gameplay but also in imagination.
This game invites you to create your backstory, make decisions, and provides countless tools for an immersive experience.
Narratively, what sets video games apart from other forms of storytelling is interactivity—something Skyrim has in abundance.
It’s designed to make you feel part of the world: the first-person perspective, the clean interface free of visual clutter, and its near-unique mechanics in the RPG genre.
Unlike other ARPGs, in Skyrim, you grow stronger in the skills you practice, rather than through talent systems that improve selected abilities. This greatly enhances player freedom, which I find incredibly interesting.
Bonus: Little Big Adventure 1 & 2

Or Relentless and Twinsen’s Odyssey as they were released in the U.S. I’m including the LBA series as a bonus not only because it’s one of my all-time favorite games but also because it has several elements that are perfect for analysis.
This series truly has it all: pirates, magic, dragons (or flying dinosaurs, technically), aliens, sci-fi, steampunk, cloning, teleportation, and cosmic beings.
If you’re going to play it, I recommend starting with LBA2. It’s much more fluid and entertaining, and if you like the story, you can play LBA1 as a flashback. You won’t regret it, I promise.
So, this is my list of games I’d analyze if I had to write an essay. Obviously, these aren’t the only ones, but it’s a start. What title would you add to the list? What do you think about the ones I included? Let me know in the comments!