I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect at all to have an audience for my first broadcasts of this project. My main goal is to keep a log of what I’m doing with this project, to create footage for future game design courses.
And yet, I have great friends and colleagues who put up with me and accompany me so that I don’t work alone. I really couldn’t ask for more.
This second episode was dedicated to the creation of the Concept Document, a fundamental step in the creation of the videogame. Although we didn’t finish it, it was left as a task and now I have it ready. I’m going to show you how it turned out and then we’ll go on to describe what we did.

Document Requirements
Well, forget that the concept paper actually has requirements. It doesn’t have to have a specific format or a particular organization.
I have had to make one-page documents and multi-page documents. This time I chose the one-page document because it is more visual, showing you all the information in one place.
However, I also chose it for one thing in particular: the one-page document is best for when we don’t yet have a clear idea of how we want to make the game. Unfortunately, that’s my case… I’m still exploring ideas and game mechanics.
That said, the one-page document does have to meet some requirements:
- Be one page (thank you, Captain Obvious).
- Describe at least one or two mechanics.
- Include general specifications.
- Include references or images that can illustrate the idea.
Information Panels
There is no exact number of information boxes to include. What I will tell you is that the General, or Summary, box is the most important of all. It is the first overview we will have about the features of the game.
Second, it is good practice to include reference images, which can serve two purposes:
- Show games similar to the one we have in mind.
- Show a graphic style we are aiming at.
- Show a series of mechanics that we want to include.
If you look at my concept doc, the images serve the dual function of showing similar games and mechanics that we want to include (all screenshots are from Boss Fights).
Which brings us to the third fundamental element: the concept document has to include some information about the game mechanics. At least two or three. Mandatory, because it’s the first proper design exercise we’re going to do. This is where we start thinking about what our title will be like.
Forget about style as a mandatory factor. In my case, I opted for a design on a white background to be in tune with the graphic style of the game I have in mind, whiteboard.
The concept doc can be a simple presentation. It is always a plus if it is pretty, but it is not a must.
Without anything else to add, I leave the log to the video, if you feel like watching it and hang out!