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Character Development: Nicole “Nicky” Rochester

Who is Nicky Rochester?

In Nicky’s case, things are not really what they seem. While we won’t see her on the front page or starring in the main scenes, we don’t have to forget that Nicky is the owner of the bar that gives its name to the first book.

She is the daughter of the infamous mercenary Mikaela “The Roach” Rochester, a detail Nicky prefers to overlook when talking about herself. In fact, to everyone, and even to legal records, she’s just Nicky; she doesn’t even use her first name.

With a tumultuous childhood surrounded by violence, Nicky opted for a more relaxed adult life, far from the chaotic and traumatic environment in which her mother raised her.

Nicky knows how to get into people’s minds, and can get contracts for Eric Miller even from people he didn’t know needed help.

Character Sheet

OccupationNeuroBar owner, Bartender
Height1,68 m
HairShort hair, dyed in bright orange.
SkinSmooth and dark brown skin. With several tattoos.
Style / Look & FeelNicky always wears casual clothes, but you will never see her dressed the same way two days in a row. She doesn’t follow social conventions and has a rebellious and slightly irreverent attitude.
Physical ComplexionCuerpo delgado y de estatura media, rasgos afilados pero gentiles. Silueta estilizada pero no voluptuosa.
PersonalityNicky is defiant and full of character. She will never let herself be walked over and will never keep quiet. She will always seek to have the last word, and is much more cunning than she appears. Somewhat Machiavellian.
Habits / HobbiesNicky likes to collect coins, and can always be seen fiddling with some old coin. Her favorite color is orange. She practices mixed martial arts and target shooting with various weapons.
DisordersPost-traumatic stress. Claustrophobia, Arachnophobia.
StrengthsPhysically trained to defend herself; intelligent; cunning; capable of accomplishing great things.
WeaknessesSometimes too frontal; generally impatient; unable to trust too many people.
FearsClaustrophobic. Fear of spiders. Losing your precious bar.
Prejudices and IdeasAnything that can make you money is good. Whether it’s alcohol, drugs or neuro-drinks, it doesn’t matter. Nicky thinks everyone needs stress relief, and she’ll be the one to provide it.
Faith, ideology or beliefNicky shows no religious or ideological interest.

Artwork used on the moodboard:

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