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Road to Indie Dev – Episode #9: Hating Internet Service

Well, you can’t always make a perfect transmission. In this case, my internet service cut me off before I could get too far ahead.

Anyway, I had been advancing something during the day and then stayed up late at night trying to add more details.

I’m getting happier and happier with the design but more terrified of what awaits me on the programming side… I’m tempted to do everything in Unreal Engine just because it’s a bit easier to use blueprints than coding in C#. Plus, it’s a skill I see being asked for a lot and I have minimal experience when it comes to blueprints.

Although I’m also interested in learning C#… I’m always at the same crossroads.

Anyway, they both scare me hahaha.

I hope I am up to the task. I leave you with the failed transmission (only in spanish):

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